Website Security Monitoring
Website Security Monitoring
A Lockdown is used to shut-off current vulnerabilities, and bring security measures to our base security standard. The best time to do a Lockdown is just prior to or after the site is launched, but is certainly applicable to any site that is experiencing symptoms of hacks, or would like to avoid them. Lockdowns are priced per WordPress Install.
While a Lockdown uses plugin configuration, that’s only one part of a process that gives sites a security overhaul. Lockdowns are unique among our competitors that they focus on securing all parts of the site, not just one.
Hacks are a lot like the flu: Every year, it tries to get you, so you protect yourself with a vaccine formulated to beat that strain. Next year, the flu adapts so it can beat your vaccine. Now you’re facing a different threat. No security is permanent or perfect, but that doesn’t mean you have to make it easy for a hacker to target you. A lockdown means your site is far more difficult for a hacker to infiltrate than the one down the block.
A Lockdown brings your site back up to the current standard for website safety, but threats are always evolving. Unless you are spending time actively implementing preventative measures and security upkeep, your site will lapse back into being vulnerable. Ask us about our monthly security maintenance to make sure your security never falls behind.
We’ve never met a site we couldn’t boost, but if your site is
unable to be optimized, we’ll refund 100% of the cost.
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